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runescape gold

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The customer service was beyond amazing, instant responses and quick verification ...
Jones123   2020-03-30
Took a little waiting, but delivered in full. Will use service again in future.
douwar1   2015-07-26
Great Service. I buy from this site all the time. Sometimes it takes a while but t...
Ak470ffsuit   2015-03-04
It took a while to get my order, but in the end, I got it :D Thank you Anna.
Jolt397   2014-09-14
Came in 20 minutes late but it came nonetheless, keep up the good work anna!
cloudhermit   2014-09-01
Took alil bit of time to complete oder but everything else are great! Satisfied !!
DeusZtyr   2014-08-17
Very easy and surprisingly very fast. Very reliable and good customer support
crazedhowler   2014-08-05
A little delayed but received gold :)
TexazFallen   2013-07-21

Important Note: rs3 gold minimum order amount is 20M


latest order record

Order No. 2017***12512345Delivery Time:18 Mins
Order No. 2017***10303675Delivery Time:11 Mins
Order No. 2017***09000145Delivery Time:8 Mins
Order No. 2017***00340567Delivery Time:14 Mins
Order No. 2017***11300786Delivery Time:12 Mins
Order No. 2017***11222478Delivery Time:19 Mins
Order No. 2017***09544367Delivery Time:7 Mins

playermall will never ask you to return your runescape gold in game.
Do not give away your
runescape gold to someone claiming to be playermall .

100% Safe Guarantee

Making each trade natural
1. We never store your information or correspondence in each transaction.
2. We use VPN / Proxy to login our accounts and make transactions.
3. We only use dynamic VPN / Proxy. (IP changes all the time.)
4. We constantly use different accounts in each hour to make transactions.
5. We have strict sending amount limits on each sending accounts.
6. We have even more policies suggested by our community.
Keeping Each Trade Safe! (Further 5 Approaches)
1. Source of rs gold supply changes constantly.
2. 3-7 days of in-stock time to avoid tracking.
3. All sources of gold supply confirmed to be legitimate and manual.
4. 80% of contracted suppliers are wow fanatics.
5. 1000M in stock all the time. Fast deliveries made by 6 teams 24/7 by shifts

How To Trade Runescape Gold?

If you buy RS3 Gold,seller will meet you in a f2p world,like grand exchange south gate,if you buy OSRS Gold,seller will meet you in lumbridge bank 3 floor.We dont need talk in game,Seller will tell you which world to trade before trade in game,and then just wait in game.Pls remember put in some junk item in trade window,So the trade will looks like more natural.This is the best trade method for buyers and sellers. 

Never return RS Gold back to any one include our seller after trade done,because there are too many scammers in game.They will use a similar char name to us,and whisper you after trade done.They threat you if you dont return gold back,your account will get banned.pls remember that all players want to return gold by this method are scammers.If you return gold back after trade done,we can not bear the loss.

Is it Legit To Buy OSRS Gold?

I want to say that buy osrs gold from playermall is safe.playermall is a player to player trade platform. All gold offers are from real game players.We never use bots to farm rs gold,all gold is farmed by 100% hand work.Our seller's rs account always log in from safe ip address which are not flagged.Sellers at deliver rs gold from high level rs accounts instead of fresh level 3 accounts.playermall always protect buyers rs account data and information.

we dont recommend buy osrs gold from sketchy gold selling sites,you will take a risk from those are not sure where the gold comes from,and if gold is farmed legit.some website selling rs gold by stolen credit cards.they use stolen credit card to buy bonds and selling those bonds to get gold. Those websites use same accounts to deliver gold,and their account ip address may already get flagged by jagex. So if you choose reliable rs sellers,it is legit to buy rs will not get banned.

Do not underestimate this point,it can highlight the details of the game designers intimate many times in fact.make
player more viscous.Its interface character design may not be optimistic, but it's 3D design is very good.control by the up and down arrow keys anyone interested can try, i think it is very similar to World of Warcraft.
players always love the Background music, and its real-time map display lets you mistakenly think you're playing online mmorpg games, and not just one web game

runescape's friends system may not be the same to other friends system. you will be assigned to the server more conducive  speed of the game When you enter as a free membership.Today you may be in Canada tomorrow in the UK, but no matter which server you are landing, when you get to a certain leveling, showing the buddy system, and you can make friends with any players of its 159 servers on the server, including the members server.

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